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    Shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t do that…

    @kittymeow1919 The “sleep training” industry can go F themselves. Sorry, I have strong feelings on it. My eleven month old has a bottle and is rocked to sleep for naps and bed. He takes two 1.5 hour naps and only wakes 0-1 times a night. “Sleep crutches” isn’t a thing for my son 🤷🏻‍♀️ You do...
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    Unfollowed OurSignedWorld

    @piescko I think I know that one too! That was wild too
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    Unfollowed OurSignedWorld

    @alexfrankone I follow the only child sub on here, and the amount of people blaming their troubles to being an only is baffling!
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    Unfollowed OurSignedWorld

    @frknfly Yes! The exact same thing was what was too much for me.
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    No one takes birth trauma and current financial state seriously

    @lisajaner I had pre-e that didn’t resolve for over an month after birth. Pre-e doesn’t get the attention it deserves. It puts you at a higher risk for hypertension and heart issues later in life. Also, anyone dismissing Pre-e should have to be put on a mag drip.
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    Unfollowed OurSignedWorld

    @jesusnameaboveallnames This sub may be only good thing about the internet 😂❤️
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    Unfollowed OurSignedWorld

    @dian11 Yeah, it rubbed me the wrong way too for the same reason.
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    When did you send your only to preschool?

    @magdalenab My son will be 4 end of July and will start pre k in August. He has been with me this whole time. It wasn’t until recently I have seen he needs more than what I’ve been providing him. That’s great he can write a sentence, but I believe in letting kids be kids. They spend their...
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    Unfollowed OurSignedWorld

    I try to curate who I follow on social media so it doesn’t trigger my guilt as OAD by choice mother. I was following @oursignedworld who was proudly OAD. Now they are second guessing (one of the reasons is because their child is asking for a sibling). Which is fine, whatever. What is...
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    Traumatic Birth Expirience Made me Decide to Be OAD

    @kwildson Yes. Got pregnant Nov ‘19, then watched as covid took over and could not believe I was bringing a child into this. My mother in law was diagnosed with aggressive cancer May ‘20 and then she passed Jan ‘22. She would have been a huge help. At 38 weeks at a routine appt, I was told...
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    I need a safe place to vent regarding the decision to be OAD and my Dr not supporting me fully

    @vash07 Your body, your choice. Period. End of story.
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    Guilty for thinking this way?

    @littledot Anyone calling you selfish for your life choices is not a friend. Your reasons are valid.
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    Wish I could, but I know better

    @aver Oh just the common, “will he be lonely” worry
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    Wish I could, but I know better

    I have a 22 month old. I have all the common only child worries. I know he’d be a great big brother. But here’s the thing. I know better. I know what another kid means. It means sharing my body for 9 months. It means the possibility of pre eclampsia and a c section. It means sleepless nights...
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    Genuinely curious - why do people choose to keep having kids despite health risks?

    @girl4god86 I had pre e that was discovered at my routine appt at 38. That ended in an emergency c section after magnesium drip for 24 hours plus. I was in the hospital for a week as my BP would not lower. I left the hospital with prescriptions of high doses of BP meds which I had to take for a...
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    Why IGs “They’re only little for 4 years” is so cringey

    @fruitb When I see an IG or TikTok video using this sound, I will direct them to this information. Thank you for exposing this
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    Using TCB’s S.I.T.B.A.C.K feels like the same night over and over again. Will it get better?

    @kingdomincreseguy I personally feel like a baby this age is too young to take to any “sleep training”. I just don’t feel it’s worth stressing yourself out for. 🤷🏻‍♀️
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    Correct Water Temperature for Mixing Powdered Formula - Conflicting Recommendations

    @heidisolonely Oh my goodness, I never knew I needed to be cognizant of the temp of water!