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  1. J

    Unmedicated birth advice

    @catholic2001 I did hypnobirthing. I ended up getting an epidural around 8 cm also. For me it wasn't the pain - I was still at the point where I was experiencing things as "a lot of sensation" but not pain, but I HATED going to the bathroom and also I desperately needed to sleep. I also had an...
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    Will my breasts really shrink after breastfeeding?

    @con4christ88 I weaned 3 months ago, and my boobs look very nearly like they did pre-pregnancy. I was worried about sagging but they only are a little bit saggier - not so much that anyone but me and MAYBE my husband will notice. And I'm not sure on my husband. I don't go braless though because...
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    Did you really wait 6 weeks postpartum to resume exercise?

    @felicitys For anything more than walking, breathing exercises, and lifting my baby? Absolutely. I know too many people who didn't originally have prolapses who developed them by pushing themselves too soon.
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    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    @christfollower1993 That's crazy! So we can't even see any old posts? I found searching that sub to often be really helpful for things I had questions on. This and that are my two favorite parenting subreddits.
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    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    @rewind2grace That wasn't what was happening in the sub though. What was happening was that anyone promoting safe sleep was getting downvoted and having people spew misinformation about the safety of bedsharing. It was tiring.
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    Lead content in baby puffs and cassava based foods

    @lozzymagoo Well according to Lead Safe Mama we shouldn't trust CLP. 🤷‍♀️ But I use it and also the Healthy Babies Bright Futures chart to show how often I should be feeding various foods: CLP seems better to me...
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    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    @rewind2grace I disagree. I really liked when that rule was implemented.
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    Lead content in baby puffs and cassava based foods

    @torn12 Just a note that NONE of those specific products are listed as being certified on the Clean Label Project webpage. We have been avoiding puffs from those brands for that reason and buying the Gerber ones that are CLP certified. Given that other products from those brands are CLP...
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    Did r/ScienceBasedParenting just shut down?

    @kellyjk The issue there was that there was an issue with the sub being brigaded by pro-cosleepers who harassed people about it, who then turned out to be mostly multiple sockpuppets, and the mod posted so many anti-cosleeping posts to cause them to use their multiple sockpuppets so they could...
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    Is it better to give my baby as much breast milk as possible in 6 months or space it out in smaller amounts for a year?

    @tag77 So by "any amount of formula," you mean like, if you supplement a handful of times only, that has a major effect? As significant as if you supplement daily?
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    Talk to me about babies measuring big (5.5lbs at 32 weeks), monitoring and avoiding induction!

    @transformed89 Honestly, I personally did and would always opt for 39 week induction if you did IVF. There's an increased risk of stillbirth and placental failure in women who did IVF, especially at or after term. NAD but I'd strongly consider at the very least a due date induction.
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    Talk to me about babies measuring big (5.5lbs at 32 weeks), monitoring and avoiding induction!

    @omnitude "Suspected fetal macrosomia is not an indication for induction of labor, because induction does not improve maternal or fetal outcomes. Labor and vaginal delivery are not contraindicated for women with estimated fetal weights...
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    Will my breasts really shrink after breastfeeding?

    @pureinchrist The "nothing fits" is so stressful. I pretty aggressively weeded through my clooset and boxed up anything that didn't fit right. I basically just have a capsule wardrobe now but I feel so much better when any clothes I grab fit right.
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    Is it better to give my baby as much breast milk as possible in 6 months or space it out in smaller amounts for a year?

    @bassmode Some of them do take in more as they grow - mine did! Most people breastfeeding are doing it from the breast though and not measuring. Once they start solids, they can take in their extra calories that way. Mine dropped his milk intake significantly as soon as he started eating well.
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    How long to give probiotics to baby after C-section?

    @lauri73 I've also been wondering this! We did the same thing and are approaching the 1-year mark.
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    Will my breasts really shrink after breastfeeding?

    @zesterer omg going swimming last summer - I just wore the same bikinis as usual and "bras looking like thongs" is accurate for my bra style bikini tops!
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    Looking for alternatives to the children's dance industrial complex

    @apor2017 Look for a more laid-back dance studio. They exist! I went to one and did ballet until college, even though I wasn't interested in competitions or doing it professionally. There are lots of neighborhood dance studios that are going to be pretty chill and not involve the things you're...
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    Sex after birth

    @katrina2017 This is what I came here to say. My sex drive came back within 1-2 weeks of weaning. It was honestly a bit alarming after having none for so long!
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    Invented method: pretend you’re asleep, sleep training

    @loves2worship My baby is a lot younger - not even 3 months yet - but if he starts acting more awake after being put in his crib even though I put him in because he was showing sleepy cues, I will sing him his lullaby and close my eyes during it and blink them really slowly and yawn. He'll copy...
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    Clean Makeup Recs?

    @dwstamps tbh I don't go near "clean" makeup because most of it has shitty preservatives and it goes bad really quickly. I'm much more worried about bacterial contamination than a small amount of preservatives that may have an incredibly minor effect on my health.