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    What would you have done?

    @medialab Thank you. Quite right.
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    What would you have done?

    @peninnah Thank you. I shouldn’t have asked her if she was stupid and I immediately regretted it and apologized to her. I was so stressed with her trying to run into the street. Wise vs. foolish decisions is a great way to phrase it. Thank you. I really appreciate it.
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    What would you have done?

    @kelly33 Thank you.
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    What would you have done?

    @warriordocjensen Thank you.
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    What would you have done?

    @kaykay8 Thank you. Good hierarchy to remember!
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    B. B. R. C

    @adnane 😂😂😂😂 dying
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    How burned out are you as a SAHP?

    @bullmuse Yes. They are 100% “overtime.”
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    What would you have done?

    @thequincunx5 Wow. Thank you for this. Sounds like the strong relationship I have with my own mother and get this - when I was little, the one and only time my mom ever spanked me was when I bolted and ran across the road. I didn’t ever do that again.
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    What would you have done?

    Today we were at a playground. When we left for the short walk down the street to where the car was parked, my 5 y/o was in a state and obsessed with the fact that cars aren’t the only ones allowed on the street, even though I reiterated more than once that we needed to walk on the sidewalk. I...
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    How burned out are you as a SAHP?

    Here’s how burned out I am: two week vacation with my wife and three small kids, wife working part of the time on half the vacation, middle of vacation was split up with a one overnight trip back home, left vacation last night and spent the night on the way home. When we arrived at our stopover...