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    In desperate need of a break but husband won’t let my mom help me

    @sam77 Read this post and all the OP's comments as if it was your daughter. What would you tell her to do?
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    In desperate need of a break but husband won’t let my mom help me

    @sam77 Wanna know why they don't like him? Because they can see how controlling he is.
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    Moms! How did you decide if you wanted a vaginal birth or a C-section?

    @komdiarect I was told that because of how B was positioned, there was a high likelihood that she'd be unable to be delivered vaginally. And yep, that's exactly what happened. A was head down but I do the c-section and as soon as she was out, B flipped to be frank breech and would have needed a...
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    How do parents get their kids to eat spicy foods?

    @keety I have identical twins. One loves spicy stuff. The other doesn't. I am 100% convinced it's not something you can train.
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    “You’re so lucky you can afford to stay home”

    @merekas When we decided to have a kid, I was working an on campus job but they also had on campus daycare that was INSANELY cheap. Like, my on campus job would have covered it just fine for one kid. Then we got smacked with the news of twins. We could not afford childcare for 2 kids at the...
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    Do y’all also do this to your kids?

    @tobi80 It would not hurt to look into ADHD and/or Autism to rule those out. Honestly, the more i think about it, the more I think it's just coincidence.
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    Do y’all also do this to your kids?

    @tobi80 You may have an undiagnosed issue but you still need to take control of your own actions. You need to make your own reminders to do stuff. Source: I have daily reminders set on my phone for various tasks. That said, if your parent asks you to do something, don't reply with sarcasm...
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    me and my bf (both 16M) are going to introduce ourselves to his parents

    @jojosan I would recommend not making a big deal out of this. If you guys put them on the spot, they may not take it well. In addition, if you're not out to your parents for safety reason, I would advise against this because they may tell your parents.
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    How did y’all potty train multiples?

    @peace608 One at a time here.
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    Appropriate consequence for preteen

    @mjkobe Yeah, that's the problem right there. If you make a threat, you have to stick with it. Period.
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    Parents that work off shift hours that transitioned to 1st, how did you do it?

    @jacbar123 Initially it'll suck and you're going to be tired but it sounds like it's your sleep issues are directly related to working an odd shift. I would look into "sleep hygiene" and start really practicing that. Reduce screen usage before bed, go to bed at consistent times etc
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    If your child saw a demon or h go dot would you believe them?

    @owly I would actually get them tested for various sleep disorders. Most "hauntings" are caused from stuff like sleep paralysis or sleepwalking.
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    How many every day shoes for 9y/o?

    @minh Until their feet stop growing, I'll only do one pair of gym shoe/tennis shoe per kid. Their feet grow so fast that it doesn't make financial sense. We do one pair of tennis shoes, a pair of boots for the winter, and some sort of croc style sandal. That's it. But both of my children have...
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    Failed GD test, BP has been concerning, too. Feeling scared and sad

    @readingdad I failed my 1 hour but passed the 3 hour and I had very similar feelings to how you describe. But I did end up with pre-e. Moderate bedrest (I was allowed to get myself food every few hours but nothing besides walk to the kitchen or bathroom) at 30 weeks with full, strict bedrest at...
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    Sharing a crib

    @smaxiner They should not share a crib. Period.
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    I missing cooking dinner wholeheartedly

    @snlmommy Have the baby go to bed before you even start dinner. We didn't start having family meals until my girls were significantly older (like 2nd grade).
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    daily activities for little to no cost??

    @notly1988 Seconding the pet store idea! That was a ton of fun for my kids.
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    daily activities for little to no cost??

    @truecompanion That cannot be corporate policy.. Honestly, I'd be reporting the store to corporate for that.
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    daily activities for little to no cost??

    @truecompanion Wait, they spray the dogs with what?