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  1. C

    Is OAD becoming more common in part because parenting is harder now?

    @mikecrb As an outside observer, one thousand percent. Google “intensive parenting” and you will find a lot of articles on how that is the expected norm. The AAP sleep guidelines might be safer but they seem to result in fussy babies and parents who are walking zombies from sleep deprivation...
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    Is OAD becoming more common in part because parenting is harder now?

    @ryspi76 Both my grandmothers raised their children (also both were two and through even in the 30’s, make of that what you will) to adulthood. However, going backwards, of my four great-grandmothers, only one (maternal grandmother’s mom) had both her kids live. (Notice SHE was two and through...
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    Is OAD becoming more common in part because parenting is harder now?

    @unseenunknown Also - there is the expectation, which our grandmothers and certainly great-grandmothers did not have, that when you have a child, you see them live to grow up. Sanitation, vaccines, and car seats mean that you can be one and done and confident that child will live to adulthood...
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    Is OAD becoming more common in part because parenting is harder now?

    @jstanley7 You see that all the time in the big fundie families. Not fundies, but the Mormons I know who are under about 60 (so gen X and younger) go for much smaller families than they grew up with, even if they are not one and done. A Mormon couple I know who each were among the younger of 6...
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    Is OAD becoming more common in part because parenting is harder now?

    @dothns Here is a link:
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    Is OAD becoming more common in part because parenting is harder now?

    @shedrach 100% agree! Sex education starts at age 4 or 5 in the Netherlands - only at that age they start with consent, boundaries, and using the proper names for body parts, that sort of thing. That’s something I think a lot of modern parents are MUCH better at than back in the day. Children...
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    Is OAD becoming more common in part because parenting is harder now?

    @sarah6722 Most harm to children comes from people they already know, not strangers. It makes more sense to be wary of the softball coach than some wild-eyed guy in the bushes. Not that you should be paranoid of other adults in your child’s life (trust but verify!) but Stranger Danger is not...
  8. C

    Why isn’t this particular risk of back to back pregnancies ever discussed?

    @mybridges Autism completely aside, it’s so terrible for the mother’s health too, even if she has a great diet, takes vitamins, exercises, etc. Growing a whole new person out of your body composition is hard! For the pregnant person’s health as well as the baby’s, its best to have two or three...
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    Is OAD becoming more common in part because parenting is harder now?

    @jackofall Also, grandma was much more likely to have been a SAHM or held a traditionally feminine job (teachers could retire at 60 where I live). So it wasn’t like Grandma was either still working in a demanding career OR too old and tired to do more than take the kids for an occasional...
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    Is OAD becoming more common in part because parenting is harder now?

    @lccpmoouc Absolutely, cost of living and having to live in a different city for job opportunities is another factor. The “village” is no more, unless you are lucky to grow up in a good area for jobs, or you have truly selfless wonderful friends. And yes it seems like most couples wind up in...