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  1. P

    I’m raising degenerates

    @tenangsaja There are worse things to get hit on by.
  2. P

    We are doing no electronics during the school week for the month of May. It's changed the whole family dynamic. Maybe you should try it, too

    @sf111 I admit I don’t have any idea how it works in your country (I assume US) and I have no idea what those numbers mean (it’s hard to get a perspective on value when you’re that removed from that reality), but I also don’t want to shame anyone for their economic situation, I live in a poor...
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    We are doing no electronics during the school week for the month of May. It's changed the whole family dynamic. Maybe you should try it, too

    @sf111 Do I live in a parallel world? Screen time is not hard at all to manage at all for me (and I use my phone a lot, I often take breaks every hour to use it for 5-10 minutes), but for the kids… in the battle for their attention, screens lose cause it takes time from activities they want, and...
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    When did boyfriend sleepovers become a thing

    @ajhnh Your friends are speedrunning becoming grandparents.
  5. P

    6 y/o boy walking around saying uWu and doing anime girl moans

    @matt675 I’m sorry but I had a laugh. Just tell him people will make fun of him or it will get him in trouble.
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    When did boyfriend sleepovers become a thing

    @drriversong I know my son is having sex with his girlfriend. I’ve caught her here a couple times, and I let condoms available and he has took some. I can’t control that unless I literally lock him up. That doesn’t mean I will allow her here with supervision. Or that he can go to her home with...
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    When did boyfriend sleepovers become a thing

    @nmc Sorry, I just assumed because here there are so many moms. I’m also a dad, for what matters, posting mostly on daddit too, but joined here now that my eldest is thirteen. Also no need to apologise, frankly, Brazil is complicated. Like a patchwork of countries, it’s hard to know what is...
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    When did boyfriend sleepovers become a thing

    @nmc Oh, ma’am, you couldn’t be more wrong. I’m from Brazil, we don’t have the problem with e-cigs but we have all the others tenfold. I’ll say it’s nowhere the hell foreigners imagine it to be, I live in a nice place without much trouble. Plenty of anxious teens.
  9. P

    When did boyfriend sleepovers become a thing

    @nmc It might be a cultural gap. In my country e-cigs/vape aren’t easily available even for adults, so it’s not common to see teens with them at all. Well, 25% say they tried at least once, but less than 1:200 say they do regular use.
  10. P

    When did boyfriend sleepovers become a thing

    @nmc Not true. A small number of kids are having a lot more sex than previous generations did, but sex, drugs, etc, have been trending down, so are teen pregnancies, abortions, dropping out of school, and the vast majority of children are postponing experimenting with dangerous activities.