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  1. F

    New mom and struggling

    I will definitely check that out thank you! Any tips are helpful
  2. F

    New mom and struggling

    That’s a great idea thank you. I will have a discussion about certain chores for him. I don’t mind doing the annoying things like dishes and laundry as long as he’s doing something to help me. I have hobbies and things that I like to do and I’m swamped with chores all the time so I can’t ever do...
  3. F

    New mom and struggling

    I have had a few conversations with him about it because I have felt like I was doing all the work when he was home with me. And then he got better and was helping so much more and went back to work and now I’m doing all of it. He continuously will make a big deal if he has to take him. I am...
  4. F

    New mom and struggling

    That makes me feel a lot better. I just have to go back to work, most likely at the end of the month. And before we had my son I was doing all the cleaning and I make dinner for both of us and I do all the finances. I just do everything and it was a lot to handle. I don’t know how I’m gonna...
  5. F

    New mom and struggling

    Thank you that helped a lot. I guess I’m just not sure of what to do now because the techniques before to help him sleep don’t seem to work anymore and I’m unsure of how to get him to stick to a schedule. And I think I will try to find someone else I am just really discouraged about this...
  6. F

    New mom and struggling

    @katrina2017 That’s awful that he expects you to get a job when there’s no one else to watch your son. By the sounds of it he can’t even watch him cause he brings him back when you ask him to. I definitely understand feeling a hatred for them getting to sleep through the night. I don’t feel a...
  7. F

    New mom and struggling

    He works a mid shift and gets called in early constantly so he can’t take the baby early and by the time he’s home it’s late and he’s already asleep. He told me he’d start taking him the whole day on the weekends so I can have a break but I went to give a bottle earlier for him to feed him and...
  8. F

    New mom and struggling

    I am trying to let him cry it out, i need to be more strict with it. I had a feeling he might be teething but didn’t know if it was possible this early but it makes the most sense to me right now. And i do draw I think I could benefit from a journal. I just am supposed to go back to work at the...
  9. F

    New mom and struggling

    @jayeen I’ll definitely look into that. I don’t know if we can afford it but I didn’t know that was a thing, hopefully it is in our area
  10. F

    New mom and struggling

    @tylervan Thanks, I’m really trying to create a routine but the last few days he’s completely regressed. None of the sleeping techniques are working to get him to fall back asleep and he barely will take a nap during the day anymore. I think it’s a growth spurt but I’m scared it’s not and I’ve...
  11. F

    New mom and struggling

    Hello, I was debating posting on here but I think I really just want to talk to people that know what I’m going through. I had my son about 3 months and a week ago. I am currently still laid off due to covid19 and my husband went back to work a few weeks ago. As soon as he went back I felt my...