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  1. T

    “WhEn ArE yOu gOnNa BrInG tHe BaBy tO mY hOuSe??”

    @truthandpeace My in laws wanted us to take a 10h drive one way at 4 months old to visit them for Christmas in a house with 2 very loud dogs that have no concept of personal space with humans. "Yes I will sacrifice whatever little sleep I get to deal with that mess." /s
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    It’s official… I was let go from my job yesterday, 7 months pregnant

    @robertjjones It sucks but I would say that maybe it's time to polish up your resume and try to get into your network. While a lot of jobs have short hiring timelines, some take months. So applying occasionally might not be the worst idea. This could be something you could join after your...
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    Is it a bad idea to wait until Black Friday to order my car seat / stroller? I’m due December 6th

    @mrssmith I wouldn't wait that long. For my first baby, after installing the car seat, we had it inspected at the local fire station to make sure it was properly installed. They don't do it every single day so you might not have time in case you are paranoid like me. Plus if you go into labor...