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  1. J

    No body told me that at 6 months old my baby would go from potato to x games mode

    @monsieurhauddennifels Yeah and now my 10 month old is pretty much feral.
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    My bf broke my heart last night… gutted this NYE

    @jezza This guy sounds like he does not deserve you. I would have him move out in the week you are gone
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    Severe anxiety about upcoming bachelorette trip for my best friend and leaving baby

    @miyuki256 If it doesn't major you happy, comfortable, relaxed... don't do it
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    I had to listen to my SiLs baby CIO over the holidays

    @kristyrh Wtf this sounds abusive. How can they be so cold? It would be hard for me to not try to really nicely try to send them research/ articles/ blogs etc.
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    What happens if I never sleep train my baby?

    @opinionsareopinions We have to rock our 16 month old to sleep but then it's usually OK. Occasional night wakings but I couldn't bring myself to sleep train
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    I almost lost my 4 y.o. Today

    @tehsaplings Right. I heard it's more like teaching kids about "strange behavior " now, esp as when it comes to molesting, it's more likely someone you know. So like, if someone is telling the kids not to tell mommy and daddy about something is "strange behavior"
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    Unexpected anxiety

    @powerlovesoundmind Do the nipt. I unfortunately was positive for my first pregnancy, but normal for my next one, and now normal for my current pregnancy
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    I’m a few months behind on vaccines and visits and I feel embarrassed to go back to the doctor…

    @sachin0990 The important thing is to get in for those vaccines. If you want to bring it up with them, you can, but they'll likely not say anything
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    Pregnant with thyroid disease- feeling worse?

    @xefere Armour is not recommended for pregnancy. Pregnancy sucks, and having a thyroid condition makes it worse. I'm sure your endo will monitor closely. Just make sure to continue close monitoring after birth, for months
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    When to try for a second?

    @scrooge_mac_duck At age 40, I would not wait. The clock is super ticking. I wanted to wait longer but at age 40, can't risk it. Going to have 2 almost exactly 2 years apart