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  1. 2

    My husband offered me an out yesterday

    @pkhaney He has a night job that is also a high stress one. He’s not coping and he’s not going to get better without some therapy. Ask him to start individual therapy and possibly couples therapy so he can have more control over his mental health and you both can learn tools to make life easier...
  2. 2

    “WhEn ArE yOu gOnNa BrInG tHe BaBy tO mY hOuSe??”

    @truthandpeace My ILs never come over, we always have to go to them, 20 minutes away. But it’s because we have cats and they are really allergic. My MIL also has an immunodeficiency disorder that flairs up when her allergies flair up. So she bought baby gear for her house, everything including...