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  1. N

    How are people with fitness goals doing?

    @12grace12 I ran a 10k on Sunday! I used to run a lot and then a bunch of things happened that threw me off my routine. It's been a few years, so I started a 13 week training program in January. It wasn't a fast run, but I ran the entire thing fairly easily! I'm very pleased with myself. :)
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    The Dishwasher Saga

    @robertfoera Oh man, I can just picture the dishwasher bouncing up and down on hydraulics and my dogs losing their minds. Maybe I'll just go for a set of spinners.
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    The Dishwasher Saga

    @robertfoera We also have ongoing portable dishwasher dilemmas, though not nearly as entertaining as yours. We CANNOT keep wheels on that thing, they just keep breaking and falling off. Watch out if you have to constantly roll your dishwasher over a little lip in a doorway, we are a cautionary tale.
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    I see pregnant women. . . . E.v.e.r.y.w.h.e.r.e

    @travis73 Well, by definition, racism is when you classify a trait as being due to a person's race, so it is racism. Just because you view it as a positive trait doesn't mean it isn't racist. It's entirely possible it is true, but correlation isn't causation.