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    Co Sleeping w/o Judgment?

    @alf Thank you 💙
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    Co Sleeping w/o Judgment?

    @jimbobby2021 Thank you for the encouragement! We do have people that cam help but I guess I haven’t thought it would be much help since I still need to wake up to breastfeed. I guess having someone else hold the baby while we both sleep would be a good idea though.
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    Co Sleeping w/o Judgment?

    @fe253 Thank you for the tips. I will definitely try all of this and remain consistent until she eventually sleeps in her bassinet.
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    Co Sleeping w/o Judgment?

    I’m a ftm and baby is just a week old. Baby just wants to sleep on us all the time. We try to take shifts holding her so one of us gets sleep, but since I’m only breastfeeding her I get the short end of the stick. I’m incredibly tired and found myself falling asleep holding her while on my...
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    Does my baby actually know I’m mom?

    @wadebayo30 This is a great response!
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    Everyone seems to have a routine, and I feel like I’m just winging it…is this okay or should I make adjustments? I’m trying to build a stash

    @isuphloyd Too early for a routine! You’re doing great 🙂 maybe around 4ish months, things might get more predictable and you’ll be able to have a loose routine.