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  1. T

    It’s been 2 years... & I wish I could go back

    @carrye4christ Sending you love and wisdom. You’re doing the right thing by examining the situation. Take care of yourself and what you want, once you figure out what that is. This is your life too. I hope you’re guided to whatever that path is soon.
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    It’s been 2 years... & I wish I could go back

    @carrye4christ I know this literally through trial and error and I’m sure some other parents can back me up too - it’s a super slippery slope to make decisions based mainly on your child’s happiness. We do it with the best intentions; it’s so hard not to. But it can backfire and hurt you more...
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    I can’t

    @simpleinchrist1 Please hang on. Eat a fav snack today. Let him watch a movie and take a nap. Do something small for yourself, start there. Your baby loves and needs you.
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    It’s been 2 years... & I wish I could go back

    @carrye4christ This will hurt to read but I don’t understand why you’re intertwining your life with someone who has made clear you won’t be together. Why are you putting yourself through living with him to suffer through everyday? It sounds like torture and it will be impossible for you to find...
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    One bedroom apartment with a 3 y.o?

    @debbiedee Do it. My son is almost 5 (tear) and I wish I had the insight to do this earlier. So much of the world does this. Check out the ikea website, they have several cool room designs set up exactly for this.