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  1. D

    Broken Arm on a 4 Year Old; a Retrospective

    @kate2018 You are Super Dad and you handled it perfectly. Your kids are lucky to have you around. I work in an ER and let me tell you, most parents in the ER are completely insane, which is usually understandable (sometimes they're really just assholes). Calm and collected is better for you and...
  2. D

    S-M-E-P F-A-I-L

    @resurgam If SMEP is going to work for us, it will be this cycle (#12) which is, coincidentally, the first time trying SMEP. DH doesn't even know we are trying it. We BD'd on CD10, just coincidentally. Today is day 12 and all signs are pointing to O very soon (I usually O on the early side...