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  1. P

    Tell me I’m not a bad parent

    @dan54fis There was nothing better when I was a kid, being sick and just having a lazy day, recovering and taking my mind off feeling like shit. Kid needs a break too, even if they're 9 months old. It's a one off and if you think you're a bad parent for doing this, I don't even know what to say...
  2. P

    Setting up a routine isn’t a priority right now

    @terrastorm Mine is 4 months today. She doesn't have a routine yet. She sleeps when she wants, she eats when she wants. I'm not going to fight with her to make her sleep as it can go on for hours. No. I go with the flow and honestly it's been a real breeze. A missed nap is not the end of the world.
  3. P

    Why are pregnancy clothes hideous?

    @linlee Lucky it's winter here. I just bought a few oversized jumpers and t shirts. I'm happy to wear leggings for the next 3 months. But yes, they are ugly. Half the reason I just went a few sizes up in normal clothing instead of maternity clothes.
  4. P

    Safe Sleep 7 says formula fed babies shouldn’t co-sleep/bed-share. Do you?

    @chenml60 I take it then a single person sleeping bag is out of the question too if only allowed a sheet?
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    Safe Sleep 7 says formula fed babies shouldn’t co-sleep/bed-share. Do you?

    @chenml60 Shouldn't the baby's head be higher than your head that way you won't pull the blanket/sheet/whatever you sleep with over them because you wouldn't pull it over your own face?
  6. P

    Tell me I’m not a bad parent

    @name980 I've read the articles about screen time. Most were focused on just that - the no interacting with them was the issue not so much the screen.
  7. P

    How much are you playing with your baby?

    @bassgasmask Agree with this. I also think how annoying it would be to have someone in your face talking at you 24/7 and constant entertainment. A bit of quiet time is ok. I used to sit my girl in her chair, give her a toy while I ate, did housework or just took a 10 minute break on my phone or...