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  1. K

    Hair tournequettes are a thing! Be aware!

    @tecumsehmaverick I have anxiety of this. I always always check my kids for any piece of hair. I even cut my hair from middle of my back to over my shoulders to void it. I’m always swiping their hands and toes looking for hair.
  2. K

    2.5 yo b/g twins. Constant fighting

    @mesosearch It is LITERALLY the most annoying thing they do and that’s saying A LOT lol. They’re pretty good kids and try their best to handle their emotions but when they lose it, they LOSE it. Especially my daughter who seems to be more in control with her emotions. When she’s tired, you KNOW...
  3. K

    2.5 yo b/g twins. Constant fighting

    @mesosearch No advice as mine don’t get physical but they do argue and whine CONSTANTLY. They whine because the other one said a word they didn’t like or cry because one wanted something while the other wanted something different.mine are 3.5 yo so a bit older than yours but still same issues.