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  1. J

    WHY is my body expelling perfect babies? Devastated

    @lostsheep75 My latest was 11 weeks (but measured 6). I passed him at home, but was able to collect the tissue and they sent it to the lab. It did give us some insights about what was happening. My husband has a genetic duplicate, which likely caused it. It’s not covered under insurance (for me...
  2. J

    4th loss: it seemed too good to be true

    @wavecure I’m so sorry. I also got pregnant the cycle before starting IVF, and it ended in a loss a couple of months ago. It’s truly heartbreaking and disheartening. I hope you recover, both physically and mentally, as quickly as possible.
  3. J

    The key to having a baby is not to stress about having a baby [F29]

    @highonluna NOTHING infuriates me as much as people telling me to “just relax, and it will happen naturally”.