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  1. L

    Super proud of my little human tonight

    @evamom Yeah my 5 year old has cleaned up her messes since day one. Not cause I can’t or won’t, but she knows it was her accident and she knows it’s her responsibility. She has no guilt or shame (currently). It usually goes mom so peed/pooped myself. Do you need help? No. Where is it? (So I can...
  2. L

    Please don’t feed my baby from your plate

    @1shizueallen1 I don’t think anyone should feed any baby off their plate without explicit permission every time. My daughter was under a year when a friend of my moms had to watch her while I was away and they decided to feed her off their plate because “she didn’t want to eat from her own...
  3. L

    He’s asleep before 7…

    @shoemaker Oh my gosh.. my first was like this. Down by 6-7 nightly with a three hour nap at some point in the day through like 5 years old. My second is a hellion. She won’t sleep.. I think she thinks she is allergic? Anyway I miss sleeping. She’ll be 3 in august. I think I’ve gotten like 5...