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  1. P

    Shouldn’t do this, shouldn’t do that…

    @kittymeow1919 I gave up on the internet months ago. I just go by what my LO is telling me and what my gut tells me. When she was tiny we called her little miss sleep anywhere because she would go from playing to asleep on the floor in like 2 seconds. But then as she got older she started...
  2. P

    On a first-name basis with 2-yo

    @stop_cern_idea My 3.5yo calls all of her main caregivers (mum and dad, granny, nanna and grumps) interchangeably by either their title (as above) or their names. Depending on how urgently she wants to get our attention, she will use our names with the right tone we would use lol. She also calls...
  3. P

    What do you class as sleeping through the night?

    @sass With my first it was once she was sleeping for 5 or more hours in a block, as 5 hours is my minimum for functionality. So when she started having a 10 to 11pm bottle and then would wake up for another anytime from 4, I counted that as sleeping through. She was doing this from about 3...
  4. P

    How is everyone’s LO eating so much at 6-7 weeks?

    @kcollins14 I can't speak for breastmilk because we are EFF, but where I live the guidelines for a bottle of formula at room temperature is 2 hours. I am on my 2nd child and we only offer room temperature formula, it makes it so much easier when out and about not having to worry about finding...
  5. P

    How do you approach the stupidity that is Daylights Savings Time?

    @aliandry Same here, never really noticed it impacting our toddler, just going to continuing winging it when we go back to regular time in a few weeks (southern hemisphere).