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  1. D

    6 weeks but measuring 4.3. Give it to me straight!

    @retroman40a I promise you worrying isn’t going to do you good, but I did the time between my two scans, I was super sick with anxiety as well. I hope this pregnancy works out for you and if it doesn’t that is an easier experience. 🫶 sorry you’re experiencing this anxiety. I personally for...
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    6 weeks but measuring 4.3. Give it to me straight!

    @retroman40a Please see my previous posts. Six week ultrasounds are not accurate. The HCG is more concerning to me, but it’s just wait and see. Did you have a progesterone test?
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    6 weeks but measuring 4.3. Give it to me straight!

    @romans82 You’re being pedantic, maybe I should not have added “very.” It has nothing to do with provider, there’s many variables. I’ve met many, many people, myself included would say that we’ve experienced this and things were fine. That doesn’t mean they are, still 1/4 of pregnancies end in a...
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    6 weeks but measuring 4.3. Give it to me straight!

    @tarper I have spoken to so many people who have small GS at or around six weeks and have had live births. Early ultrasounds are super inaccurate, we are talking MMs. I measured a week behind at six weeks and am holding my daughter. Reading stuff like this sent me into a spiral. Six week...
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    6 weeks but measuring 4.3. Give it to me straight!

    @tarper You never mentioned HCG and you directly compared. Even if you didn’t mean to, I think it’s important to emphasize that a six week ultrasound is useless and can’t tell us anything besides placement. People find these posts later and it gives them unnecessary anxiety. The HCG is...
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    6 weeks but measuring 4.3. Give it to me straight!

    @tarper Six week US are very inaccurate. I think the HCG is far more concerning, the US at this point is useless. By the time you are eight weeks you should have a heartbeat, but six weeks it’s very hard to find anything. So being eight weeks and two weeks behind would more likely end in a loss...
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    6 weeks but measuring 4.3. Give it to me straight!

    @tarper This isn’t true. Six weeks is different than eight.
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    6 weeks but measuring 4.3. Give it to me straight!

    @breeze7 Eight week vs six week US is so different guys. By eight weeks there is a heartbeat and you can see tiny baby. These early stages things develop rapidly. There is a wild difference between being behind at eight weeks vs six. We’re talking mms and measuring just a sac.
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    First ultrasound should show ... ???

    @zogy101 I had a US at that time and I just saw a sac measuring only 5.5 and freaked out, I spent the next two weeks full of dread and anxiety. I’d opt to wait til at least 7 weeks to do an ultrasound, but if you’re at risk for ectopic you should do one now but take it with a grain of salt. Some...