

New member
Y’all, my husband is dead set on naming our baby boy Zuko. I think it would be cute for a kid and cool for a teenager. However, I just can’t imagine a 30 year old man named Zuko. Lol. I have 5-6 names I really like but he hates them all. He doesn’t like anything but Zuko. What do y’all think??
@hopelite I think of kid names like this; how does it sound as an older person name?

Grandpa Zuko
Uncle Zuko
Mr. Zuko Lastname

"My daddy's name is Zuko"
"Mom, dad, this is my boyfriend/fiancé, Zuko"

It doesn't sound too bad to me personally, but Zuko just seems more like it should be a nickname.
@deepthink Yeah….all of those introductions sound so ridiculous to me. If my niece told me she was dating someone named Zuko, I’d most definitely giggle/cringe a bit. What if lil man wants to be a doctor, CEO, or something of that sort. Dr Zuko. Lol. It reminds me more of a you tuber or twitch streamer (nothing wrong w that, I just don’t want him to be limited bc of a ridiculous name).
@katrina2017 I wouldn’t n mind it as a nickname or middle name. Once my husband has his mind set on something it’s hard to sway him though. I would love Theodore Zuko, Remington Zuko, Olivier Zuko, even Kai Zuko. But he doesn’t like any of them, even a little bit. We did the baby name app and out of thousands of names, he liked 2. Blaze and Zuko. And later vetoed blaze. Lol. I told him we can put it on the list. I’m just scared I’ll agree to it while I’m exhausted and emotional after labor.
@hopelite could choose some names that start with a “Z” sound like Zethro, Xavier, Xerxes, Zane, Xander, etc. and go with a nickname. Especially if you made his initials Z.K. would give you further license to call him Zuko. The name is fun, and I love avatar, but I do not think you should put Zuko on that baby’s birth certificate lol. Unless you’re Japanese or Chinese, that may make it make a bit more sense.