Youtube stuff


New member
First of all, we don’t let our kids watch any youtube unsupervised. But we have started running into problems at other kids houses. So our oldest (7) comes home and says he wants to watch Poppy’s Playtime (Five Nights at Freddy’s) and Cartoon Mouse (
) and similar things, and I am now thinking I need to talk to the other parents about this.

Any advice?
@stevenb6 I don't think you can really do anything about what other people choose to do with their kids. Perhaps if you already know them you can mention it, but decision-wise they're going to do what they want. My son is 9 and we just had to ban youtube for both my kids because they're coming out with stuff I don't think a kid that young should be saying (my son currently thinks 69 is the most hilarious thing, though he doesn't understand what it refers to). Unfortunately they go to school with a bunch of kids who don't have that restriction, and they're going to pick things up whether I like it or not.
@skycastle Doesn't mean you can't voice an opinion

"Hey, [parent], my kid has been having some hard times sleeping because of hoppy's playhouse, any chance you can check if they watch it there?"

Also, talking to your kid about it and giving them confidence to say "Hey i don't really like this, lets watch something else"
@stevenb6 As much as I love YouTube for me, holy hell is it cancer for kids! The dopamine hits from kids watching toy unboxings or the short clips of whatever make them NUTS! Glad to see it's not just us. As far as other houses, yeah you really just have to do what you can for your own kids, those parents are probably too far gone and stubborn to take any input the right way.
@stevenb6 You shouldn't be telling others how to parent, it's just bad show, even if they are doing things you deem as detrimental.

You are right though. Youtube is not a safe place for kids content at all, it's best to avoid it at all cost until they at least hit double digits I think.