
So my husband and I had a visit with my family in law yesterday (outside, masked), and there were just some things that really made me feel like either I wasnā€™t doing a good job or I didnā€™t know my babe best. But Iā€™ve decided ā€œf**k that! I know my kid best. Yes sometimes it takes 30-60 mins to get her down for a nap... that doesnā€™t mean that Iā€™m doing a bad job, it just means that thatā€™s how long it took that time!ā€

So if anyone makes you feel like youā€™re doing a bad job or you donā€™t know your kid best 1) Iā€™m sorry they made you feel that way 2) f**k them, they can take their opinion and shove it and 3) youā€™re doing a fantastic job! Keep being the best momma/daddy for your kid! ā¤
@historyismypassion My MIL said about my 2 month old son that we made a ā€œlap dogā€ because he likes to be held and snuggled. Fuck that of course he likes to be snuggled heā€™s a BABY and the fact that he wants ME to snuggle him warms my heart. So yes fuck everyone elseā€™s judgements and implications of how you should raise your child.
@ashbash400 At 2 months old?! Wtf

Like this tiny creature was living INSIDE your body only 8 weeks ago and now suddenly they need to fend for themselves?

I donā€™t understand the mentality at all.
@metalgreymon I will never be over for as long as I live the time someone told me I was babying my daughter. I donā€™t remember exactly when this happened but it was before Christmas last year so she would have been at MOST two months old.

Fucking DUH Iā€™m babying her, sheā€™s a baby??!
@amberr Right? I mean, more understandable if she was like, twelve. But she wasnā€™t even twelve weeks! It wasnā€™t a person whose opinion I hold in high regard so I mostly just laughed.
@lightningspeed My mother-in-law did this to me at 6 days pp, literally yelled at me for holding my own child, with that same nonsense about spoiling him. Heā€™s nearly 6 months now and thinking about it still pisses me off. I canā€™t fathom the coldness of it either.
@seeker4561 Oh my god. I sometimes joke about this with family "Sorry we had to cut your visit short. He can be a real baby sometimes šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø" But then we both laugh because yes, he's an actual baby!!
@ashbash400 Yup! My girl is slowly practicing her independence and not wanting to be snuggled so much (now almost 4 months old) and my brother in law said ā€œI donā€™t think sheā€™s practicing independenceā€... I was just like ā€œdo you spend every day with her? No? Then stfu!ā€

Everybody is always going to have something to say, do what youā€™re doing, because youā€™re doing great! ā¤
@janie1242 My own parents STILL accuse me of "ruining"/"spoiling" my little brother by picking him up when he cried as a baby, and "that's why he's such a problem child now that he's older" šŸ™„
Oh, and I was barely 8 yrs old when he was born.
@janie1242 I donā€™t believe in CIO either and yes omg thatā€™s way way too young to even think about letting a tiny baby cry. They need so much of our love and attention, and I never could understand people who say anything to the contrary.
@janie1242 My grandmother too. She called to see how we were doing, the baby started crying, and she was like ā€œyou donā€™t have to go to her every time she cries. Just let her cry it out.ā€ And I was like, thanks but no, she must need something, oh look, a full diaper. I made a point of telling her that babies cry for a damn reason.
@ashbash400 my grandmother in law came to meet my son for the first time and she sees heā€™s sleeping on my chest and she starts freaking out about how much iā€™ll regret letting him do that. he was 3 days old. iā€™ll never understand people who think itā€™s wrong to show your child love and affection.