

New member
hi i’m back again with basically the same sitch except this time, the condom slipped off completely and we couldnt j pull it out he had to like
get his fingers in there to get it
i asked if he finished and he said no don’t worry and that i was fine
but also today is (supposedly) the day before ovulation, and so i’m p fertile
i know why it keeps happening and plan on saying something but for now, should i get a plan b? or an ella?
@wwjd08 take emergency contraception ASAP. the sooner you take it, the more effective it is. if you can get ella quickly, take ella — it’s more effective close to ovulation than plan b. however, if you can’t access ella quickly, just take plan b. do not take both.

it sounds like the condoms you guys are using are too big. try a smaller size!