WTT until summer, what was your plan during the WTT?


New member
We'll most likely start trying this summerish What was your plan in the months leading up to your trying

I'm trying to come up with a 6 month plan.

This is what I've done/am doing so far

I've got my medicine reviewed and in the process of adjusting.
I'm trying to eat healthier
I just got back into body boot camp 3-4× a week
I'm going to start yoga and make it a habit (apparently consistent yoga can shorten labor?)
Starting a prenatal vitamin
Starting to drink Jasmine green tea and red rasberry leaf tea
Had a pap and talked to my midwife

We're looking at getting my iud out next month or March, but using condoms until we're ready since it can take an average of 3 months to regulate

I feel like I missing so many things
@mandm I'm working on strength training, specifically my core and back. Also, I'm taking an adult ballet class for fun! Working on further strengthening our marriage. Getting some projects done around the house!

Don't forget to still do things you enjoy and focus on yourself and also your marriage, before you try and whenever you enter parenthood. I feel like too many women make being a mom their entire personality and it comes back to bite them eventually.
@mandm Travel and lots of friend hangouts. We have multiple weekends away planned and then our 1 year wedding anniversary trip/honeymoon/babymoon to Bora Bora in June. Then we start trying!
@mandm That’s about everything I’m doing and we’re also on a WTT until this summer (assuming your finances and stuff are where we need them to be by then). I take a prenatal, fish oil, and CoQ10. Started trying to exercise at least 3 days a week doing Zumba type videos. Getting my physical and vaccine boosters done this month. Birth control implants comes out in March.

Have you gotten blood work done recently? Like within the past year? That’s the only thing I could think of that your doctor might want so they have a baseline to compare to. I’m getting mine done on the 15th (doing metabolic panel, CBC, hbA1C, thyroid, and cholesterol & lipids tests) so I can take the results to my physical and my OB appointment in case there’s anything they would like to investigate further.
@jessica50332 I had my annual with my midwife and she did a complete lab work up and everything looked good there.

I need to look into the CoQ10. I haven't taken fish oil because the pills are so large
@mandm CoQ10 doesn’t have any definitive evidence that I could find, just suggestive evidence that it may benefit both male and female fertility. The fish oil is definitely big, but it’s actually the same size as my prenatal. I don’t eat seafood though so I want to make sure I’m getting enough omega 3.
@mandm Here's what I have been doing/recommend:
  • bloodwork to make sure you aren't deficient in anything
  • swapping out makeup/skincare for pregnancy safe options
  • swapping out non-stick pots & pans for stainless steel (nonstick coatings are toxic & linked to reproductive issues & leach into food)
  • Walking a few miles a day
  • yoga or a low impact workout several times a week
  • listening to podcasts to get excited & prepared. "Food Freedom and Fertility" has been my favorite.
I'd also make sure your husband gets a check up/bloodwork done. He should also be limiting alcohol and make sure he avoids hot baths, saunas, & hot tubs because they are bad for sperm.
@mandm Just did labs and a doc visit yesterday! In the next several months, I need to broadly work on my health - make sure I drink less caffeine, drink WAY more water, focus on whole foods and a few primary vitamins and minerals that my doc recommended to make sure I get in daily, and exercise more often (specifically interval cardio and lifting)

Outside of the specific preconception stuff, we're going to a couple of concerts, I'm going on a work trip, we're going on a cruise to Alaska, and we're buying a house! All finished (hopefully) by september ish!
@mandm I highly recommend if you want to do carrier screening you do it before getting pregnant. Last thing you want is to do carrier screening during pregnancy and be kept in limbo if both you and your partner are carriers for something and possibly doing amniocentesis. I’d rather have a tough decision to make before getting pregnant (ie is it worth select embryo transfer/ivf) than when pregnant (will you consider termination if your child has whatever illness). It’s wild to me how many people choose to do carrier screening during pregnancy but don’t think to do it before (when their pregnancy is planned).
@mandm We are going to start trying this summer too! I want to get into a good walking habit and start strength training. I’ve already been eating healthier for about a week now and I’m trying to remember to take my vitamins and half a dose of a beef liver supplement daily. I’m also trying to strengthen my marriage and get into a cleaning routine as well as declutter the entire house to make room for a baby. And I’m trying to save up for a bigger car and baby stuff!
@mandm Focusing on vitamins / supplements, nutrition, healthy mindsets and stress management, as well as developing self-love so I can pour from a full cup!