Work question


New member
Is there a better group for this?

I work in MA and yes I will discuss with my employer but looking for any personal experience first.

If I take paid family medical leave for maternity, does anyone know of I am legally able to work per diem/ad hoc somewhere else? Unrelated to my agency? I am a clinical social worker and could very easily find a remote per diem job while I am on leave. I’m mighty worried about our finances when I’m on leave as I’m primary earner as a social worker so you can imagine what I’m working with.

If there’s a better group, I’m all ears.

@miracleshappen Not a lawyer but I think no. If you’re getting fmla I think it technically counts as “unemployment”. You get checks from the unemployment office so I assume it would be part of that. Same with bonding leave.

In ma if you’re qualified you are also paid up to $1100 ish a week so it isn’t nothing. It’s confusing but their website is helpful:

Edit to add if you work part time you can take partial leave, which means you can stretch it a bit longer. That’s worth looking into.
@nae64 In ma it’s the max you can make but you make only a portion of your pay (aka if I make $1k a week I only take home 60% or something on leave) as far as I can tell. It’s so complicated to understand. Which is not nothing, I definitely appreciate that, but any loss feels considerable