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Bub is 5.5 months and I’m averaging 6-7 hours of broken sleep usually but not always with 1 x 3-4 hour stretch, occasionally 6 hours+. I’d just love some reassurance that he will sleep better eventually and that my body and brain will recover from the lack of sleep and be ok one day. I understand babies don’t usually sleep through the night for the first 2 -3 years but even a gradual improvement would be great (minus regressions & teething of course). Most days I feel ok but some days I struggle and get anxious about it all and wonder if I’ll ever feel like myself again or if my health will permanently suffer. We’re one and done so won’t be starting again when he’s bigger if that makes a difference.
@eric2015 It gets better over all and in the grand scheme. But sometimes it doesn’t seem like it got better because there can be dips and lows. Take teething. It’s 3-5 nights of awful days and nights but as soon as the tooth breaks through it’s back to normal.

Our daughter started sttn around 2 years. Baby is 8 months and far away from sttn but you somehow get used to the broken sleep.
@eric2015 Unlike other commenters, I’ll chime in and say I’m not ok! My 17 month old’s sleep is HORRIBLE - last night I stopped counting after 10 wake ups 🥲

We cosleep (as I’m assuming most everyone here does, too?) and he nurses throughout the night (have tried night weaning twice and…it was incredibly unpleasant). I think kid sleep is sort of just the luck of the draw in a lot of ways. I’m certain I could have done things differently earlier on, but I think my son just innately really sucks with independent sleep, and I have always been too much of a softie to give him space to figure it out.

Anyway, hopefully your kiddo gets it soon! And as for us, I’m going to be white knuckling it for the next few months until my husband can sleep train our son with the chair method/supported crying this summer 🙃
@godismyjoy I’m in your boat and I see this as my future…my son is 10 months and wakes up so many times at night that I always lose count. Been like this since day 1 and every milestone that people said would help with sleep has had zero impact. His wakes are quick which is why I’m still alive lol but I’m really rooting for you because most people don’t understand, but I do!! With whatever brain cells I have left anyway 😂😭
@godismyjoy Oh wow more than 10 wake ups?! Of course you’re not ok you poor thing. Has his sleep always been that bad? Im sure you’ve explored all this but have you gotten him checked for ENT issues?
@eric2015 Eh his sleep ebbs and flows ¯_(ツ)_/¯ the best it’s been in recent memory still involved at least 3 wakeups lol

As for ENT stuff: we haven’t been able to get him checked out (moved to a new country last year, still figuring out healthcare here), but his pediatrician thinks if we end the cosleeping and night nursing, his sleep will get better. I don’t know! I’d prefer to rule out health issues before taking away these comforts.
@eric2015 Yes as time goes on it truly gets better! I promise!!!! I got just as little sleep as you when my little was around that age and we never sleep trained.. I thought it was gonna kill me. After starting solids she slept better and better and around 14 months she started to sleep through the night (12hrs). I stopped nursing all together at 17 months. Hang in there
@wayne2069 Thanks so much for the encouragement. That would be amazing! I can honestly deal with a couple of wake ups so that’s not a problem if he doesn’t sleep through by then just hoping it will gradually improve. I’ve made it this far! 😆
I’m hoping it’s a good sign he “sleeps through” sometimes.
How old is she now and how long did it take you to feel better after she started sleeping through?
@eric2015 That’s amazing that he sleeps through sometimes! Any small victory is worth celebrating. My kid just turned 2. I could’ve been sleeping pretty well since she turned one. But I personally stayed up late and wrote emails (gig worker) watched a little tv after she went down, it’s my only free time all day and that ate into my otherwise decent sleep hours. I’m getting better now that she’s older, as a SAHM and a freelancer I now got to do work during the day when she plays. It just gets better on all aspects. You’ve got this!!
@eric2015 It does get better, yes.
The 4 hour stretches will become more frequent and eventually one day turn into five hours, then six hours and so forth.
Mine finally slept from 8pm to 7am at 20 months, so although it can take some of them a while - they will get there.
@eric2015 She had her own single bed. We cuddle to sleep in her bed and she would crawl into our bed in the middle of the night.

Then around 3, we put a mattress on the floor next to our bed and told her she can sleep there when she wakes up at night. She needed hand holding for her to be able to go back to sleep for ages.

When she was 4 we weaned her off holding her hand for her to go back to sleep and just verbally told her that we're there and everything is ok.

When she was 5, when I was pregnant we told her she had to sleep in her room as a baby was coming and asked her why she wouldn't sleep all night in her room. She said she was scared of the dark so we bought her a night light of her choice and rewarded her with extra chocolate for dessert at dinner for every night she slept in her bed 😂

We still cuddle her to sleep in her bed to this day.
@eric2015 OP I feel you! I spent most of yesterday feeling sick from sleep deprivation and here I am in the middle of the night again with even less sleep. Baby boy’s sleep is all over the place at 4 months—every day we can do the same thing in terms of napping, outdoors time, frequent feeds, etc. and get wildly different results at night. We’ve tried both earlier and later bed times, we have the sound machine…some nights I’ll get three hours total sleep, some nights he’ll do a 5 hour stretch. We haven’t seen 6+ since we dropped the swaddle.

I just keep telling myself it’s biologically normal to seek care giver comfort at night and he will never have to deal with the confusion or despair of crying it out or figuring out sleep on his own. It gives small comfort even in my physical suffering.
@messagesoflove Oof that sounds so tough. Ive been there with the nausea during the 4 month sleep regression/progression. I hope things shift for you soon! I agree there’s no rhyme or reason to it sometimes. It’s definitely normal & you’re doing an amazing job making your bub feel safe. I often think about how we should be doing this in tribes instead of alone in our houses.
@eric2015 With that schedule I was okay for 2 years, and really I felt decent! I had add an extra cup of coffee. My health hasn’t been negatively affected as far as I know anyway. It got to the point when my kids did start sleeping that I didn’t even feel that different. But, if they had a bad night after that it totally killed me! I guess the body adjusts.