Why are my T/C numbers so low?


New member
I am relatively new to this community and TTC. I bought OPK on Amazon, the easy@home kit, and using the pre-mom app. I've only been testing for less than 2 full months so I might be prematurely worrying, but my numbers are really low compared to what is considered the standard towards LH surge. The highest number I've ever gotten was .52, which is still far below the 1.0 threshold that represents ovulation. I'm on CD 15 right now and according to the app I'm supposed to ovulate tomorrow, but how would I even know that? I'm not sure what the reason is other than user error or something off about my ovulation. I'm not taking any medication that could be affecting it. Is there any reason to be worried?
I'm on CD 15 right now and according to the app I'm supposed to ovulate tomorrow, but how would I even know that?

You can know by tracking your basal body temp! More info on tracking methods can be found in our wiki. There's a great New To TTC section to get you started. Automod links will have it listed for you below my comment. Feel free to join in on the daily chat thread with more questions! You can also post strips to r/tfablineporn if you need help interpretating them.
@happy07 The app doesn't know anything about you that you don't tell it. The predicted ovulation dates are based on averages. For the first few cycles, it's completely possible that you will ovulate earlier or later than the app predicts.

Also, try testing twice a day if you aren't already.
  1. Because sometimes the readers in the apps spit out arbitrary numbers; and/or
  2. You're not actually supposed to ovulate tomorrow and there's no way for the app, which is just guessing, to know when you're ovulating so the predictions don't really mean anything.
If you're getting close you should be testing twice a day, you could also just be missing your surge. You may also want to consider temping to actually confirm if/when ovulation happens.
@happy07 How often are you testing? Some women (me included) have super quick surges that only last a couple hours, so if you're only using them once or twice a day, you could be missing it. I personally use them at least 3-4 times a day when my surge is approaching, which I find necessary cuz I could easy miss my random 3 hour surge if not.
@happy07 I’d also see what your levels look like at different times of day. I was like you, with really low #s, thought maybe I was a rapid peaker. Turns out that I was just testing at the wrong time of day for my body (always 4pm with low #s). Started testing at different times and found I get my highest #s around noon, and since have found peaks consistently above 1. Good luck!
@happy07 In addition to what others have said about testing multiple times a day/at different time points, it may also be that you just have lower levels of LH (the hormone picked up by OPKs) without it being a problem for ovulation. This can vary from woman to woman and there are OPKs with different sensitivity levels out there that you could try.
@happy07 I use the same OPKs and as soon as it was “high” on cycle day 11 I tested twice per day. I tested 3x on cycle day 12 (7am, 4pm, 7:30 - basically whenever I needed to pee). I woke and couldn’t fall back asleep so I tested at 1:40am and it went down thus making my surge the 7:30 last night. It’s important to test multiple times per day. Apps also just guess - this is my first cycle tracking and I ovulate a few days earlier than what the app predicted, which is what we have been relying on. I’ve seen many women in here ovulate into day twenty something so keep testing! The app likely has your ovulation day incorrect. Good luck! I hope you get your BFP very soon!!