Who’s my age? Anyone older?


New member
I am having my third pregnancy since June, have had 2 miscarriages so far. I’m feeling more hopeful this time although I’m also very much a realist about it all. My hcg numbers are higher than they’ve ever been, and I’m having my first 6/7 week ultrasound tomorrow. Anyway enough about me….

Hi. :)

I’m 44! Who is my age? Anyone older??
@mamaof6 I had my daughter last yr at 42. Healthy happy baby. The pregnancy was harder as I'm older but I worked right up until I went into labor ( went into labor at work haha left after about 5hrs to go to hospital) one day at a time. Congratulations! We were built for this age is just a number.
@olliemagoo That's so awesome. It's giving me hope. I'm turning 41 this year and my husband and I are TTC. We tried for a year and it resulted in a ectopic pregnancy. Was your pregnancy natural or IVF?

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