Where’s your diaper station/cart located when you have a 2 floor home?


New member
Currently, we live in a 2 bedroom apartment and have an ikea cart holding all our diapers. We’ll be moving into a townhome. Living room, kitchen, dining room ground floor and 2 bedrooms upstairs. Do you setup a diaper station on both floors? Do you go upstairs to babies nursery every time for a diaper change? Do you get a cart for both floors?
@hmlarson001 We have 2 floors and we have changing tables on each floor with diaper pails on both floors. We use them both a lot! I prefer changing on the floor when downstairs but my husband prefers the table.
@hmlarson001 Honestly I set something up like this initially and never used it. We live in a 2 story town home and I always change her in our guest bathroom upstairs. If I was REALLY In a pinch downstairs, I have my diaper bag which always has 3-4 cloth diapers, a changing pad, and wipes inside.
@hmlarson001 The bathroom upstairs is only for baby. The changing pad fits between the double sinks instead of us having a separate changing table. We always go upstairs.
@hmlarson001 We have a proper changing pad upstairs, but it gets used rarely (only at night). Since I use disposables at night, I only stock one or two cloth diapers upstairs for morning use, and all the dirties are kept downstairs.

Our changing station downstairs uses the pack&play changing attachment, and is better stocked than upstairs.

Once kiddo outgrows the p&p changer, I'm guessing we will only have the changing station upstairs, or start changing him on the floor.
@hmlarson001 Three floors in our home (we have a finished basement) our bedrooms are upstairs, we spend most of the baby time on the ground floor. We have two changing stations with shelving and a collapsible tabletop at each. It was super helpful during the newborn stage when I was recovering from a csection. We put the one in on the ground floor when my best friend had a baby.

I exclusively use the one upstairs now. It’s a minor pain to keep both stocked with all the things.
@hmlarson001 Depends on age of baby. When our son was small and we were changing him more often, including during the night, we had our actual changing table downstairs and converted a desktop to a mini station upstairs. Now that he's older and doesn't need changing during the night, we just have the changing table downstairs. When baby number 2 gets here we'll set up an upstairs station again.
@hmlarson001 2 story home - but our bedroom is in the basement & nursery is on the main floor. We have a changing station in the nursery and one in our bedroom, and use ubbi pails in both. The staircase is narrow and steep so having to walk between floors with a wet squalling baby is not what we want to do! We will probably keep the changing station in our bedroom until she is 1, even though she’ll move up to her nursery long before that!
@hmlarson001 Even in a one-story home, I plan on having two changing stations to start. One in our bedroom primarily for night time changes while she's in a bassinet and the main changing table in her bedroom for day time use and storing dirties.
@hmlarson001 I think I'm in the minority here. Everyone told me I would just change him on the bed/floor. No. We have a changing table made from a deep ivar shelf in my bedroom, a changing pad on top of a dresser in baby's room and the simple Ikea changing table in the corner of the Livingroom. The cloth diapers live in the master bedroom and that's our main space because that's where we changed the most when he was first born, so it's habit (4.5 months). Occasionally I'll move a few cloth down to the livingroom, but we have disposables at all stations too.
@ohiogators Same. I was told I’d never use the changing table. We love it so much that we quickly found we would cross the house to use it.

He is 14 months now and we had a period where he was fighting changes, but it was worse on the floor. It was impossible to roll him to his back for even a moment on the floor, he would immediately try to roll and crawl off. We use the strap on the changing table and will stop the change to sort him out when he fusses.

We keep our dirty diapers in one place - a hanging wet/dry bag in the bathroom. After the change is finished we put him on the floor or in his crib to play, then go to the bathroom to put the diaper away and wash hands.
@venegos Really!!? Oh I stand corrected! I never made it with either kid past the rolling alligator stage! I just assumed it was impossible...
I'll also note that if your looking for furniture to be repurposed after baby, the deep ivar is the exact size of a standard changing pad.
@hmlarson001 We never had a diaper changing station/table at all. Dirty diapers were in one place and the main storage was in one place, but I just made a little caddy with a few diapers and all my changing supplies and changed the baby wherever we were.
@hmlarson001 I have a diaper changing table on the second floor in my baby's nursery. Since we're downstairs in the living space most of the day, I have a basket with diapers, wipes, a wet bag and a little mat I lay on the couch when changing. If I can tell it's going to be a bad one, I just take my baby upstairs to be changed on the table. I usually restock the basket in the morning or when putting away laundry.
@hmlarson001 I set up a changing station downstairs in our living room since that’s where we spend most of our time in the house. Upstairs I just have a portable basket with diapers, cloth wipes, a peri bottle for wetting the wipes, and a diaper rash cream.