What would you do?


New member
Personal background: I’ve been on Junel fe 1/20 for 7ish years (I did try the IUD for about 6 months but had 2 expulsions). I loved my experience on the pill, however, around year 5 I started to develop extreme vaginal dryness, and pH issues. I thought it was my new normal and I completely ignored the fact that it could be my pill, as I wasn’t planning on stopping. I went to doctors etc, and no one mentioned that it could be my pill. It wasn’t until I met my boyfriend of 2 years that he pointed out that these issues could very well be related to my birth control. Fast forward to now… I’ve been told I have estrogen issues, diagnosed with vaginismus (due to previous trauma), and I’ve had to stop the pill.

I went to an OBGYN and my primary care doctor who told me that my best option was a kyleena IUD (yes; even though I had 2 prior expulsions). I agreed, but my gut was just not letting me find peace with this decision, so I cancelled the appointment. I am 1 month off the Pill. I did order natural cycles and the Oura ring, but it hasn’t come in just yet. I have been prescribed the mini pill (long one starting with n) but have not taken it yet. Should I do NC? Would have to use condoms which definitely isn’t the end of the world but an adjustment in my relationship as we haven’t used them before. I also feel like my partner and I will still be anxious about waiting on a period etc… will it ruin our great sex life? FYI he’s very supportive with whatever is best for me but we both do not want children at all, right now. What would you do?

I’m just so irritated that there are limited non hormonal options for women that provide the same sense of security.