What would be the ultimate self-empowerment program for youth and parents?


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Hey Parents!

I am currently conducting market research so I can create an effective Self-Empowerment and Strength-Based Education Program designed to help young people overcome the challenges they face in today's world. As a former participant in youth programs and a keen observer of social services, I have firsthand experience with the struggles and limitations of the current educational and support systems.

It has been from my own experience as a kid and working within social services that I've recognized the negative effects of a one-size-fits-all education system. This has been the root of many kids' self-esteem and self-sabotage issues which can lead to more challenges, such as addictions and abusive relationships. I've always asked the question, "why don't we adapt the curriculum to the child's abilities, interests, and passions, and focus on self-empowerment education?"

My mission is to create a transformative mentorship program that fills the gaps in the system by empowering young people to unlock their true potential, develop their unique skills, and pursue their passions.

To ensure that our program is as relevant and effective as possible, I'd like to gather insights from parents like you who are invested in their children's success. Your valuable input will help me better understand the needs and concerns of families in today's society.

Please take a few minutes to answer the following questions:
  1. In what ways do you feel the current education system is limiting or not meeting the needs of your child?
  2. Is your teen aware of their gifts (what they're good at) and the importance of pursuing their excitement? Do you (the parent) feel that this is important?
  3. How concerned are you about the influences your child is exposed to, outside of your home (e.g., peers, media, school, etc.)? Can you provide any examples?
  4. What solutions or support do you feel your child needs to overcome these challenges, but may not be currently receiving?
  5. What support do you as a parent need to be best equipped with any challenges your kid throws at you? Would this be preventative education or on-call support?
  6. How willing would you be to invest in a program that focuses on self-empowerment, strength-based teaching, and nurturing your child's unique gifts and passions?
  7. What specific features or components would you like to see in such a program?
  8. Do you have any other concerns or ideas that you believe would be helpful for me to consider as I develop this program?
Thank you for your time and valuable insights. Your feedback is essential in helping me create a program that has a meaningful and lasting impact on the lives of young people and their families.

Sincerely, Shea