What do you think about baby gates?


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I'm a Product Design student at the University of Houston, and I am currently working on a project focusing on child safety in the home. I am addressing problems related to baby gates and would like to get your thoughts on the issue. I created this quick survey that you can fill out and it only takes a few minutes to complete. Thank you for your time and your important input!

Survey Link:

Baby Gate Questionnaire (google.com)
@homersimpson Some sort of flip box to cover plugs would be good too, like a housing over the sockets as we use a nightlight and sound machine and my toddler is always plugging and unplugging.

Radiator covers in smaller sizes too, he loves battering the radiator.

Protective valves on radiators.

Just some ideas😃 , filled the survey out btw
@homersimpson Second the protective box for power plugs. We 3D printed one and it's not fantastic.

Our baby gate is used more to keep the dog away from the baby when we have to leave him unsupervised for short periods (like hanging out washing), rather than to contain the baby or protect him from things in the house.

I want a baby monitor with motion detection that makes a shushing noise as bub starts to stir. Maybe it already exists, but that would definitely help my little dude. That, and a baby mobile that plays music that isn't wind up and can pay different songs. He loves ceiling fans and mobile's but gets upset wherever they stop moving. Again, probably exists, but I don't know anyone with either of those things and I definitely wish we had them!