What do I dooooo


New member
So my 8 1/2 months baby girl is sleep trained (yay), but the last few nights have been weird. She wake up around 3:30/4 am and rolls to her belly then seems to get stuck that way?

I tried to let her figure out but she seemed uncomfortable so I went in and rolled her back and left. She then spent the next 10 mins crying and trying to sit up/roll back until she finally did and got stuck again. I eventually went in again and rolled her out again, this went on for far too long until I finally caved and picked her up.

She knows how to roll back to belly and belly to back, but isn’t rolling back for some reason? I’m scared to just let her figure it out. I know some babies prefer sleeping on their bellies but how do I know if she just trying to get comfy or not?

H e l p ♥️