Wellsley Farms sensitivity premium formula from BJ's tested positive for lead


New member
My nephew recently had his 1 year old checkup and the doctor informed his parents that his lead levels were unacceptably high (4.4 mcg/dL) and that the health department would be called if it didn't go down by his next checkup in 3 months. I ordered a set of lead testing swabs to start testing everything he has contact with for it. Painted walls, toys, foods. The swab starts orange when you dip it in water and turns pink or red in the presence of lead, the only thing we tested that tested positive was the baby formula powder. I did 2 additional tests with new swabs and they both also turned pink.

Please test your formulas for lead, basically every generic store brand baby formula is made in the same facilities owned by Perrigo. We've only tested the one container of formula we still had but it seems unlikely for the contamination to be limited to a single container or brand.

We've already contacted the FDA and left a message regarding the matter, haven't heard back yet.
@fiftyseven I'm not a Reddit user, it's really as simple as that. I made an account purely because reddit stopped letting me see posts without one.

And I didn't leave that comment a month ago, I left it shortly before making this post when I found it while looking to see if anyone else had had this issue with the formula. I made the post because if it isn't just the container we have I don't want children getting lead poisoning, sorry for caring.

There's skepticism and there's paranoia, and you're venturing into the latter.