

New member
So we went in for our first OB and ultrasound. Currently my wife is 7 weeks 1 day. To say we were shocked is an understatement. They found two heartbeats. No we go back this Wednesday so they can have a better look. They told us they appear monoamniotic (meaning they are in the same sac with no separation) and much higher risk. They want to make sure there is not a membrane there that separates them. The hope is that they find that and they are monochorionic meaning the same sac but with a thin membrane to separate them. Twin B’s heartbeat was a little bit lower than they would like to see. All of this is immense for first time parents to hear. Hoping there is some experience on here with this as well as some advice.

PS we went through our first IVF treatment and had a single embryo transferred making this even rarer.

-Nervous but Excited first time dad to be
@baptist1611 Check out r/parentsofmultiples they are very helpful and supportive. MoMo is known to be highest risk of twin pregnancies but still have had plenty of successful births. Good luck on your journey! Currently on the start of week 28 with MoDi boys.