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Is bottlefeeding still considered breastfeeding?

I want to add bottles bc hes not sleeping longer than 3hr stints at night. I dont want to quit breastfeeding but I want to make sure hes getting enough food.

Just trying to understand the process.. why do people quit? Im a stay at home mom.. I just need sleep tho!

Thank you 😊 ftm 11 week old LO
@christiansmommy Bottles are unlikely to make your baby sleep better. But if you're pumping and providing breastmilk via a bottle, yes it's still breastfeeding. Your breast is feeding your baby still, one way or another.

People quit because it's hard. Because they don't have enough support. Because they're desperate for someone else to take an overnight with baby and not worry about pumping or losing supply or whatever. Because baby doesn't want to breastfeed anymore. For their health. Endless reasons.
@christiansmommy For people who return to work, pumping is so hard. It's hard to give up time with your baby to be stuck washing pump parts. Especially if you don't pump enough to give them all their milk.

At 11 weeks, every 3 hours is totally normal. Some people think giving formula at night helps. There is nothing wrong with trying formula if you want to.
@kenber123 Yes, and to add to that, combo feeding is still breastfeeding, too! You can feed your baby breastmilk sometimes and formula and still be breastfeeding, it's just not "exclusive" breastfeeding.