We are finally home after 150 days in NICU (born 24+1, 1.5 lbs, had PIE, PDA, ROP, pulmonary hypertension and BPD, left at 10 lbs and 1/8 L oxygen)


New member
We are home for 3 days now and finally got some time to write something. Little Aaron was born at 24 + 1 after my wife's sudden placenta abruption and was intubated immediately. He was on various ventilators during the first month of his life (1 week on HFO, 3 weeks on JET, and 1 week on CMV). He developed severe Pulmonary interstitial emphysema (PIE), a large PDA and dangerously low blood pressure after a week on HOF and had to be transferred to a LV 4 NICU, at which point we were told he might not make it. Turns out our LO is a fighter- the PIE was gone after two weeks on JET and the PDA also closed by itself. He had two extubation trials- the first one when he was 4 weeks old, he lasted about a week and had to be reintubated due to an infection. The second was at 5 weeks old, and this time he didn't go back. After that, our stay in NICU became mostly uneventful. He did have a NEC scare that turned out to be nothing and stage 3 ROP that needs laser surgery. He stayed on bubble cpap for almost two months and then high flow and low flow cannula. The last month we were in NICU mostly working on his feeds. He was able to finish about 85% of his feeds orally almost right away, but then had some major setbacks after an oral thrush. He was eventually able to get back slowly to almost full oral feeds, however not without lots of struggles and frustrations. We were finally able to bring him home on 7/1, after 150 days in NICU. He came home with 1/8 L oxygen- he was ok-ish with room air (sats around 90-93%), but the provider wants him to sat above 93% all the time to treat his mild pulmonary hypertension. I visit this sub almost daily during the last five months and learned a lot from other people's experience. It gave me hope and allowed me to advocate for my LO. I would like to share our own NICU experience hopefully it would be useful to others.

How it started

How it's going
@lumatt21 Wow this is just what I needed to read today. Ours was born at 25+2 and we are on day 12 of life. Things are so scary and heavy right now. This gives me hope that with time we will get through this. Thank you and congrats on getting home! He's so cute and strong looking 💪
@cloud7079 Thank you! I am glad you find it useful. I am sorry you are in this right now, but hang in there and things will most likely get better. Those little ones are little warriors, with the help with modern medicine, they will do amazing things. When we were at the spot you are now five months ago, we also felt so scary and disoriented, and couldn't have imagined how things would turn out. What I found useful are talking with people with similar experiences, getting in close touch with your care team, attending the rounds as much as possible and offering your own perspectives.
@lumatt21 So amazing! Happy homecoming! Enjoy your unlimited snuggles!

Your story reminds me a lot of ours minus the pulmonary hypertension. 24+1, 1.5 lbs, went on a tour of the various ventilators, PIE, intestinal perforation, BPD, home on oxygen for a long time.

He’s two adjusted tomorrow (I guess today now lol) and nearly 29 lbs. been fully off oxygen six months.
@lumatt21 What a cutie! Look at those cheeks!!! Those nasal cannula stickers take me back, my son was on nasal cannula for 2 months post-NICU (BPD). He was in NICU for just over 3 months & now he’s a rambunctious 2 year old who is climbing everything and making me read him The Very Hungry Caterpillar 300 times a day. Congrats on bringing him home!! Enjoy what I refer to as “the potted plant stage” where he stays where you put him—-he’ll be mobile & exploring before you know it!