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It's time to get together and talk about something that affects all of us: the lack of paid family leave and sick days in the U.S. It's a stark contrast to the care we provide for even our fur babies.

Did you know that in 26 states, regulations mandate puppies cannot be separated from their moms before they're 7-16 weeks old? Yet, in our country, 1 in 4 moms return to work just two weeks after giving birth.

It's a reality that hits hard, and it's time to change it. I asked many of you if you would be down to do a zoom call and after talking to a bunch of you the concensus is clear: WE ARE READY TO CHANGE THIS SSHHH....Join us for a Zoom call this Wednesday, April 24th, at 7:30pm EST, where we'll discuss the urgent need for paid family leave and sick days. Let's make our voices heard and fight for the support all moms deserve.

Mark your calendars, spread the word, and let's come together for change!

Zoom Meeting Details:

Date: Wednesday, April 24th

Time: 7:30pm EST

Link: https://us06web.zoom.us/j/5271369945?pwd=t2CJIGXZQh9gVVPy3pz7U7X9AtIqo7.1&omn=83002343591

See you there!
@dac12 I'm all for making things better but it's not clear what the goal of this meeting is. "Discuss the urgent need for paid family leave and sick days" sounds more like a venting session rather than a productive meeting to make change.

I'm pretty sure everyone who would attend or consider attending already knows it's needed so what's the next step?
@melindapurcell Awesome! I think for now we are meeting up with other mamas across the country to 1. share our experiences and then figure out together what we want to do. There are already mamas who are taking actions for this mothers day so you never know what will come out of this meeting :). This is just the beginning right, its for us to get on the same page, get to know each other a little more and then together decide what is possible and what the next step is.
Also to clarify, moms from reddit formed the community r/UniversalChildcare to talk about childcare issues, of those mamas we also started hearing how family leave and lack of paid sick days are huge issues for mamas, which is how this call was born.
@dac12 Here's a sneak peek of /r/UniversalChildcare using the top posts of all time!

#1: Ladies YOUR salary doesn’t exist to “cover” childcare costs when it’s a HOUSEHOLD expense

#2: Should taxpayers without kids have to pay for this, for families who make up to $130,125? | 59 comments

#3: Biden is once again pushing to give all US workers paid parental leave— and he wants their kids to have free universal preschool, too | 11 comments

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@dac12 Who is hosting this? Is it an advocacy group? There a dozens of organizations that are leading advocacy efforts on this issue. If it is a group hosting you should make that clear so people can decide if it is group they’d be willing to volunteer with.
@dac12 I live in a state with paid family leave, but it’s still so short and only a percent of my wages. 3 months is not enough baby bonding time! It crushes me that my LO’s most crucial moments will be with someone who is not me. Our country is truly messed up and it’s complete bullshit when they discuss family values. America does not care about families or children at all, bottom line is the economic value we produce and that’s it.
@hpearson38 I know I hate the 3 months, 12 weeks are NOT nearly enough, and aaaalso a percentage of our pay would be great IF we also only paid a percentage of our bills, groceries, and rent. I hope you can join on Wednesday :)

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