Vitamin B Complex PSA


New member
I know there are a few of us taking to take vitamin B6 to lengthen our LPs, so this is for anyone planning to start taking/switch to a B complex.

I just switched from a B6/B12 combo to a B complex and noticed a strange side effect. TMI incoming... my pee was NEON YELLOW!!

Apparently vitamin B2 (aka riboflavin) can turn your pee bright yellow. It's harmless though. Just a heads up :)
@robertfoera I love the neon pee haha It's just the excess B2 (as mentioned in the post) so if you notice it on one pill and not another it is likely a dosage issue. The excess is water soluble hence the bright pee :)
@robertfoera Same here! I'm taking a weird prenatal where I have to split the dose so my pee is never a normal colour anymore. It also dyes ovulation test strips yellow.