UK tech/software company maternity policies


New member
Hi everyone!
I work for a global software company in the UK, and am starting to consider having a kid. However, I am shocked at the poor maternity offering. I want to know what the offering is for other companies so that I can either
a) manage my expectations and accept this is normal
b) gather evidence to present to the company as to why they should improve the policy.
I saw an article which said the average is 18 weeks full pay in the UK, but I can find no evidence or proof of that,
At my company we have: 7 weeks full pay, 6 weeks 90% pay, 26 UK statutory pay, 13 weeks unpaid.
As the higher earner between my husband and I, this means we cannot afford a child.
The company is trying to be more diverse and hire more women. I was wondering if other software and tech companies have a much better maternity policy, this could be my way to argue for an improved one for us.
Please comment with your company's policy, and the company name, if you are comfortable doing so!