U.K. School Incident - how serious is this?


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My 13 year old boy was in class. The teacher left the room, another boy ran over to son and told him to move his legs or he will ‘rag him out of this chair’ - my son said no so the bully grabbed him by the collar and pulled him out of his chair, and threw him across the room. The boy then sat down and told my son ‘his mother is an inbred’ and then sung a song about our family fucking each other. While his classmates laughed.

Would you expect this kid to be expelled?

UPDATE school have interviewed six people in the class who were witnesses. Each one of them has told the exact same story that’s my boy was not thrown and nothing was said about his mum or our family.

School of said that they have now investigating this, and it seems my brother is telling lies

We are leaving the school
@freddie11 As an employee in education, I would imagine this will result in a suspension. Expulsion is not impossible, but certainly unlikely.
Schools have a lot of hoops to jump through before permanently excluding a student, the aim is to keep them in education and it is likely that this student would need to have been temporarily excluded numerous times before a permanent exclusion is even considered.
@freddie11 No problem. Admittedly I work in a state school, but I would imagine the process is loosely the same. Each school will have their own behaviour policy, but as a fee paying school I think this would need to be quite robust to protect against appeals from parents.
@kigongo I’m not sure how the UK is but getting expelled is less likely in a private school in the US depending on the kid. School doesn’t want to lose out on tuition, or upset a family that makes $ donation.
I went to a private grade school and a kid said he wanted to shoot some of the teachers. The principal just brushed it off “he would never do that” and this was after a major shooting had just taken place so most schools were on more alert.
@freeinnocentspirit Still depends on the school. My wife’s high school expelled the daughter of the largest donors to the school for getting caught with weed(think early 2000s). The family pulled their other kid and stopped donating. But they proved the point that money doesn’t matter and no one is above the rules.

My nephew is there now and a kid just got expelled for an incident with a BB gun off campus. Never caused a problem in school but jumped in a car of a classmate and put the gun to his head and recorded it on Snapchat. It was a fake gun so the police wouldn’t do anything but they expelled him.

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