Tubal removal next month, $0 out of pocket!


New member
Y’ALL! I’ve been dragging my feet on getting sterilized but the Roe decision kicked my ass into gear.

The whole thing has been so much easier than I thought! The OB was fully on board with sterilization, no invasive questions or repeated appointments. I just got off the phone with my insurance and the whole procedure, anesthesia included, is $0 because I’m getting it for birth control.

I have severe medical anxiety surrounding health insurance and costs so this is a huge relief, not to mention never worrying about a surprise pregnancy again. So stoked to just have my son!

Maybe I’m an asshole but fuck I look forward to mentioning it to my baby-crazy MIL.
@rcast99 Good for you! I’m going next month for counseling to get mine removed. I’m nervous but excited! Also that’s funny about your mil. I had to tell mine I didn’t know she was in charge of my vagina when she told me I’d have two 🙃 hasn’t mentioned me having two since tho lol.
@katrina2017 Congrats I hope your consult goes well too! It’s WILD how many people struggle with MILs demanding more children. I aspire to be as direct with my MIL as you were haha.
@rcast99 For me it’s actually my FIL that’s pressuring us to have another. He even told me, “Once you have another maybe you’ll release your grip on the first and we’ll get to babysit.” My in-laws are crazy. 🙃

Congrats on your FREE tube removal!
@rcast99 Good for you! I had mine removed (due to ectopic and one already bad one) and the recovery was super easy and quick. Wishing the same recovery for you!!