TTC via IUI w/ PCOS advice


New member
Age 31 TTC w/ PCOS. Just had 2 unsuccessful IUIs. Been married for 7 years but only had about 5 months/cycles (within a 9 month span) of trying naturally prior to the 2 recent IUIs due to my delayed periods last Spring. I’m in a better spot now because my periods are more regular.

I started going to La Gree Pilates 4-5x a week for the last 7 months but have been taking 2 week breaks during the 2 week wait period. I am considering not taking a break from La Gree Pilates for cycle 3. Do you think doing a high intensity workout such as La Gree during the 2 week wait will help or get in the way? Am I overthinking this? I can’t help but think it’s my fault that it’s not happening.

I really hope this 3rd round is successful. I’m so worried about messing up my chances and have been so emotional.

Does anyone have any tips for round 3? If you’ve personally gone through this with PCOS please share your experience.
@jimatjude I would avoid vigorous exercise, I have no scientific evidence but I kinda felt like I instinctively wanted to just sit still while it was trying to implant.

I have PCOS, had a chemical pregnancy on month 5 and conceived successfully on month 9.

Ovulation tracking is key. We also used syringes rather than sex every time because you're sometimes just not in the mood every night during ovulation. I feel like this took off some of the pressure for us.

Has his sperm been tested?

Ovulation tracking was the main thing. If you are ovulating then my understanding is that PCOS in itself has no other effects than a slightly higher early miscarriage risk.