TTC 40 - blood test results - feedback?


New member
I just got blood test results from my OB/gyn - I asked for them to be ordered to help inform me as to whether we should seek a fertility clinic to move on to IVF.

For background, I just turned 40 in sept, and miscarried a trisomy 15 embryo in July (10 weeks). Feeling defeated, as most do. I already take a lot of supplements (COQ10 and many more) and avoid phthalates as much as is possible.

Here are my results: blood was drawn 2 DPO

AMH- 2.33

DHEA-S- 183

LH- 10.8

prolactin - 11.8

FSH- 5.72

Estradiol- 129

Just looking for some feedback (I know y'all aren't doctors) and to see if anyone has insight. As per my OB, they all fall in range. I know going IVF means we could genotype the embryos, but money and whatnot.

Thanks in advance!
@michael75 I think this is a really personal decision for you and your partner as to whether you have the emotional bandwidth to keep trying the old fashioned way or if you would rather spend the money to do IVF.

Based on your lab results, my layperson opinion is that there’s not a physical medical reason to pursue IVF right now, but if the emotions are worth the money to you, that’s absolutely a valid reason for IVF
@michael75 I wish I had started IVF at 40 and done genetic testing. By 41 I tried IVF and got 0 normal embryos (this was after 4 miscarriages, an ectopic and a stillbirth- the miscarriages may have been chromosomal, but all were spontaneously conceived so no testing). The fact is that 9 out of 10 embryos would be abnormal at 41, mainly due to deterioration of eggs.

In the end I am pregnant at 44, totally health pregnancy, donor egg (my sister). If I’d started IVF sooner I’d have had more of a chance at conceiving with my own egg.

I’m also receiving reproductive immunology support to prevent another stillbirth, fwiw.
Just to add in case it’s not obvious: the main cause of miscarriage by a landslide is chromosomal abnormalities in the eggs, which increase with age.

The only reliable way to determine whether there are chromosomal abnormalities is with preimplantation genetic testing- AMH doesn’t tell you about egg quality. You can have excellent or normal blood test results and not have the information you need about whether to proceed with IVF.

I didn’t want to look at egg donation as a possibility but it was just the reality of TTC after 40. We started trying when I was 37 and should have sought IVF way sooner. Now I am perfectly happy with my donor pregnancy and this is definitely my baby! But if i could do it over id have been investing in IVF at 39 or sooner.

And side note since you mentioned supplements— a lot of people recommend Rebecca Fett’s It Starts with the Egg, but unfortunately it’s based on some lacklustre science. I’d check with an RE, RI, OB, or MFM for feedback before making supplement/ lifestyle decisions based on that book. At the very least don’t postpone getting help based on her recommendations (or Aimee Raupp’s!)
@solidsteve19 Thank you for your comments! Yes I actually am already taking all of the supplements in the it starts with the egg book... With the exception of DHEA. I am considering starting to take that to improve egg quality though.

I do know that the older I am the more likely I am to have chromosomal abnormalities. I have been doing what I can to improve my chances and did today just schedule a repro appointment for later this month.

I'm sorry for all your losses and struggles!
@michael75 I feel like those figures are very good for 40. I don't see why you shouldn't try naturally; I mean I would if I knew those were my stats. I haven't had any testing and I'll be 39 in February so, I'm about there too!