I know most people recommend using disposables for travel but I’ve never used them and don’t really want to start now. I’m committed to cloth so looking for travel tips from those who have also used cloth on big trips!
We live in Hawaii and are doing a mainland tour to visit family for almost 3 weeks with 3 flights averaging 10 hours each with layovers. Will have laundry where we are staying w family. Baby is 5 months old EBF. We do flats during the day and prefolds at night. Thinking to bring 2-3 days worth. Covers should be good w 2 wool as our mains and 3-4 PUL covers for out and about, which is what I usually do at home. At home I do a thorough rinse right away and then hang to dry outside before washing, so thinking to bring a line and clothespins so I can do this on the go. Have powdered detergent to bring. For wet bags I had a nice one that got lost so I’ve just been re-using a handful of gallon ziplocks. We also do EC, so this should reduce the amount of diapers we use, though it’s a little more challenging to offer potty times when traveling with lots of distractions.
Anticipating some challenges with taking redeye flights that are about 7 hours long…baby’s a solid sleeper but I usually change her in her sleep (with 4 month sleep regression she is peeing more often and I change her 3 to 5 times a night). I’ve never tried to give her enough fluff to sleep through the night, so thinking to experiment at home before our trip. For the flight I plan on babywearing in either my Sakura scout carrier or ring sling, unless they can give us a bulkhead baby bassinet.
Anyway if you’ve done big flights and trips to family using only cloth, please let me know what works for you!
We live in Hawaii and are doing a mainland tour to visit family for almost 3 weeks with 3 flights averaging 10 hours each with layovers. Will have laundry where we are staying w family. Baby is 5 months old EBF. We do flats during the day and prefolds at night. Thinking to bring 2-3 days worth. Covers should be good w 2 wool as our mains and 3-4 PUL covers for out and about, which is what I usually do at home. At home I do a thorough rinse right away and then hang to dry outside before washing, so thinking to bring a line and clothespins so I can do this on the go. Have powdered detergent to bring. For wet bags I had a nice one that got lost so I’ve just been re-using a handful of gallon ziplocks. We also do EC, so this should reduce the amount of diapers we use, though it’s a little more challenging to offer potty times when traveling with lots of distractions.
Anticipating some challenges with taking redeye flights that are about 7 hours long…baby’s a solid sleeper but I usually change her in her sleep (with 4 month sleep regression she is peeing more often and I change her 3 to 5 times a night). I’ve never tried to give her enough fluff to sleep through the night, so thinking to experiment at home before our trip. For the flight I plan on babywearing in either my Sakura scout carrier or ring sling, unless they can give us a bulkhead baby bassinet.
Anyway if you’ve done big flights and trips to family using only cloth, please let me know what works for you!