transitioning to crib


New member
any advice on transitioning my 6 month old to her crib? she’s always slept with me, and my husband has slept in another bed as we have different sleep schedules (he’s a fisherman and gets up at 3 am for work everyday and goes to bed at 8 pm) but we’re missing sleeping in the same bed and she sleeps consistently 7-7 minus the 11 pm dream feed for a couple months now! ideally i’d like to keep her in bed with us but i have a queen with no room for a king, or really any desire to spend $500 on a new mattress at the moment to make it work. and the thought of him squishing her scares me, which also is why he slept in a different bed lol

i’ve tried to put her in the crib for naps and she does okay 50/50, but wakes earlier than she does in bed and it’s much harder to get her to sleep. does anyone recommend starting sleep training? or is sleep training ON TOP of putting her into a crib basically for the first time pretty much torture like im feeling like it is 🥲 ive tried to put her in the past couple nights and she wakes after 15 min and will not go back to sleep until i lay down w her in bed and after about an hour she goes back to sleep and stays asleep in my bed only.
@mjt1k987 No advice I tried the crib transfer and she wasn’t having it. We snuggle all night long on a floor bed now haha I learnt to live with it. I’m hoping to see longer stretches from her so I can sneak back into our bed. But for now she’s still waking every 1-2 hours and I can’t be assed walking back and forth 😅
@mjt1k987 have you tried putting her in there to play during wake windows? this helped my LO associate with her crib and become comfortable with it. i would play white noise + shushing and after ten minutes i’d set her in the crib. she usually wouldn’t wake up and if she did, she’d go right back to sleep. i would always stay near by because i worried she’d wake up and i’d have to soothe her. i know some people don’t recommend that. honestly it was making me so anxious i stopped writing down how long she slept.

we still coslept at night and now that she’s closer to 4 months, i’d get her all comfortable and put her in her merlin sleep suit (some people are against it so to each their own. she doesn’t roll in her sleep so i’m fine with her being in it) and play white noise & shushing. she usually falls asleep on her own within 10 minutes. most of the long stretches of sleep she’d get were because i’d bring her into bed with me for the first part of the night and then she’d wake up for a feeding. after, i’d move her to her crib and she’d knock out for the rest of the night. sometimes 9 hours, sometimes 3 hours in the crib. if she’s crying i will pick her up and just bring her to bed with me. i try again the next day if she just flat out refuse to sleep in the crib and i put her in bed with me for the night.

my advice would be to stay consistent with your transition but also know your limits. it was exhausting for me at times to resettle my LO so in that case, i’d just let her sleep with me. if you think you can handle being a little sleep deprived i say resettle them each time until they get used to it. sleep training looks different for everyone, i think putting her in the crib would be apart of sleep training so you’re technically doing a bit of sleep training already which is completely fine! maybe try moving her into the crib after her first wake up? i wish you luck!
@rigogpu well she loves her crib! only if i lay her down on her tummy tho, which everything i read says she can’t sleep on her tummy til 1 unless she puts herself there which she won’t do because she’s too hysterical if i lay her on her back in there. but within 10 seconds of laying on her stomach she’s almost asleep i don’t even have to put her to sleep she does it herself, 😩