Transitioning from EBF to solids


New member
Anyone have any suggestions on transitioning from EBF to solids. My LO is 6 months and not interested in solids at all. Also will only take milk from the breast which is exhausting. LO will wait hours to feed instead of having cereal or any food. I’m tired. Any suggestions on encouraging the transition? Thanks!
@senni Up until 1 years old their main source of food is your breastmilk. So don’t worry about it! Don’t put pressure they will look and learn when sitting with you on the dinner table and then eventually will pick up foods!
@senni Generally speaking solids start out as an in addition too not an instead of, so you shouldn’t see a reduction in nursing until baby is around 8 months old based on starting solids. Early solids intake tends to be just a few bites, it’s more about getting used to food than actually being a significant source of nutrition at six months.

Are you doing purées or BLW?
@ezzeking I agree with you. My LO is 18 months now and I remember when she turned 6 months I just put this pressure on myself that she has to eat but actually up until 1 years old their main source of food is milk. So don’t put pressure on yourself, offer your baby food and if they don’t take then try again later. They are learning and so are you so just take it slow, eventually they will start eating.

Also I found it helpful when me and my husband are sitting on the table with her in the high chair she will just want to copy us. So try that.

Hope that helps.
@jlvansuch Thank you for that encouragement. I won’t put so much pressure on me. Funny enough when we eat I. Front of him, he moves his mouth like he’s interested but I guess he just doesn’t like the taste of purées yet