Too late for ring sling?

With a humid summer ahead of me, I've been considering a ring sling for my baby (currently have a Solly wrap and WildBird Aeriel). My boy is on the big side (around 70%) so I'm nervous that his weight will be too much for my shoulders in a ring sling, but the light fabric/easy of getting baby in and out has me considering it anyway. What do you all think? Anyone one with cranky neck/shoulders use their ring sling with big/older babies? Otherwise I was thinking of H&P Lark or Happy Baby OG for a lighter option that can distribute his weight more easily, but I'd rather not spend $200 if a the ring sling will do the trick!

Thanks in advance ❣️

Also will take recommendations for ring slings! Currently looking at an affordable option via Amazon, brand: Meibien.

Haven't been able to find any used locally but going to keep a look out!

Edit to add: baby is 3.5 months and 15lbs currently!

Edit: thanks for all the comments. You are all so helpful 🫶
@authorandystraka I’d dip your toes in with a borrowed or used ring sling first! If you search “babywearing” and your city on Facebook, you may be able to find BST groups or a lending library. Fwiw I do think it’s worth trying - I find the ring sling useable still at 30lb for short stints - but YMMV on the asymmetrical aspect.
@millawattingly Me too! I struggled with my ring sling until now - and my baby is 9 months and just over 20lbs. I find It's not for dog walks, but as someone else said I like it for errands around town, in and out of the car + being carried. I have a linen one from Heritage CO (i think it's called) and will use it this summer :)
@authorandystraka I have a bad back and picky shoulders. I use my ring sling a lot, but only for quick trips into stores, and any time I'll be wearing for 30 minutes or less. I wear my baby (big; about 70%ile) and my toddler (small; about 25%ile) and I used it to carry my oldest until he was 3 or 4 years old.

If you have picky shoulders I'd steer clear of linen, and I'd definitely back away from anything on Amazon. You want cush. So gathered rings, cotton/wool/viscose, all the bouncy fibers.

I'd look on the BST pages for Oscha or Lenny Lamb. Girasol only does cotton, but I do love them. My ring sling is an older Lenny Lamb that I've had since my first was tiny, so almost 9 years now. It's still going strong!
@authorandystraka I currently use a ring sling for my 20 lb 6 month old and it works so well! Just make sure you spread out the fabric on the shoulder. I didn’t start using the sling until he was around 4 months. Previously I used a stretchy wrap. I have friends that use a ring sling past a year old, so you should be fine!