Today I am grateful to be a Single Parent and away from that mess / drama!


New member
Today (Thanksgiving), I am grateful more than ever to be a Single Parent and away from that mess!

Because every other Thanksgiving, before my exH/child’s donor left, I had to prepare Thanksgiving for 20+ people. By myself. For almost 2 decades.

People (all his family) who were ungrateful, didn’t help cook or clean up and bitched about everything.

All of the prep took days (shopping and cooking), especially with Chronic Illness(es).

Then the day of Thanksgiving, I’d be on my feet (even while pregnant) from before sun up until 10:00-10:30pm to ensure it was all cleaned up. It was a shitty existence and a holiday I grew to resent until this year.

I had to wait on his dying Mother hand and foot because the rest of them were too lazy to help her. They still are too lazy and gluttonous to do anything even for themselves.

The ironic thing is that this is my exH’s new girlfriend’s Thanksgiving. If she’s smart, she’ll be gone before Christmas after that shitshow.

I wouldn’t have married him if that was the case before, as it was a precursor to what was to come. Oh, but his mom is dead now (that’s when he filed for divorce, when I was no longer needed to play caretaker).

I helped my own family prepare Thanksgiving this year and I’m so glad I got to do it. It’s truly a group effort and I missed too many years away from them, trying to appease his family.

Happy Thanksgiving, to everyone who celebrates! 🦃

Count your blessings and to those in a similar situation to mine, be grateful that you’re no longer tied to a sinking ship!
@chemtrooper people always say to me being a fulltime single mom must be so hard but honestly it was harder being in a relationship. I was still a single mom but i had a overgrown abusive man child to take care of too!
@jstr512 YES, this! I was always functionally a single mom anyway, even with him around, now it's so much less stress on me without him. It's still hard but compared to what it was, it's a huge improvement. I know how you feel, friend.
@chemtrooper i am a happier, more confident without him on any occasion. But very lonely. I came to the United States 4 years ago. i have no family so i spent my Thanksgiving with no one ..and no Turkey. I don't like Turkey anyway!
My lawyer did nothing when i temporarily lost the custody of my little ones..and he suggests i should start dating.. ..been married for Ten years...forgot about the Dating Monkey Business.
Happy Holidays!